Understanding Hormones and Undertaking a Good PCT

Understanding Hormones and Undertaking a Good PCT

An effective PCT plan helps in restructuring the level of natural hormone in the body. It makes sure the muscle mass and pumps do not suffer while putting the body back on the natural hormone levels.


Undertaking a good PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) is essential for people who take an anabolic steroid or frequently use prohormones. When anabolic steroid or prohormones are consumed, they alter the natural level of the hormone of the body. When men start taking hormonal supplements their testosterone level decreases and there is an increase in the estrogen and progesterone. Sometimes, the level of estrogen and progesterone increases beyond the limit it affects health. Even after stopping the intake of steroids, natural hormone level remains disturbed. The PCT is useful in this situation.


Use of PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

An effective PCT plan helps in restructuring the level of natural hormone in the body. It makes sure the muscle mass and pumps do not suffer while putting the body back on the natural hormone levels. It also assures the body transforms from altered to the natural level of hormone without affecting other natural processes. PCT is prescribed when there is no added pressure of anabolic steroid on the body. Anabolic steroids should be totally abandoned before starting Post Cycle Therapy and should not be reused even after PCT. Usually, a 12 weeks interval between anabolic steroid and PCT is required.


Effects of PCT

PCT stimulates the natural production of testosterone by triggering the pituitary gland. Through accelerating pituitary gland Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) levels increase in the body. Both the hormone has a positive effect on turkesterone secretion from testicles.


Drugs used for Post Cycle Therapy

As it is a therapy, multiple drugs are prescribed simultaneously

  • Testosterone Boosters
  • Herbal Supplements
  • SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) (Nolvadex and Clomid)
  • Aromatase Inhibitors


PCT after prohormones

There is a difference between prohormones and steroids. Prohormones should be not be considered a steroid. They only trigger the production of steroid and work as precursors for a steroid. Prohormone also affects the natural hormones level. Hence, after using prohormones, PCT is advised as prohormones completely or partially stop the production of testosterone.


Side Effects of PCT

Every chemical has some positive and some negative effects on the body. The PCT drugs are not any different. Some common side effects associated with PCT are as follows

  • Depression
  • Acne
  • Joint pain
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia


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